Video: Guinness World Record 27 NBA Three-Pointers In One Minute

Coach Gerrod Trytten of OHoops training in Orlando hit 27 NBA three-pointers in one minute. According to their YouTube video, it will supplant the old world record of 25, once it’s been verified by Guinness.

A couple thing: Trytten, who is OHoops’ COO/Lead Trainer/Assistant Coach, is using a rebounding machine AND two rebounders. Ahem, high schooler Josh Ruggles would like a word.

Ruggles used one rebounder, no machine, and just two basketballs. If you multiply Trytten’s record by five, it equals 135, which is exactly what Ruggles landed on after five minutes.

BUT, Trytten was shooting NBA three-pointers, which arc 23 feet 9 inches away from the rim. NCAA three-pointers are 20 feet 9 inches away and some high school’s feature 19 feet 9 inch three-pointers. So does the three feet advantage by Ruggles equalize the heavy rebounding advantage of Trytten? We counted 37 attempts in one minute, which would have equaled 185 over five minutes. Ruggles only got 147 attempts in five minutes, but he made 135. By our count, Tyretten was 27-for-37 in his lone minute.

Which recored is more impressive?

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