The Champs Sports Game Plan: Hard Hinting The Holidays

Black Friday might feel like a once-a-year thing, but in reality, the whole gift-giving vibe extends far beyond a single day. The entire month of December is all about the holiday spirit and thankfully, the next Game Plan from Champs Sports is here to help out. Do some “Hard Hinting” with the latest Game Plan to show off what’s on your Christmas list. There are over 300-plus gifts to choose from in this collection but don’t worry, Champs Sports will help you out with tools and advice on how to Hard Hint with the heavyweights when you log onto to create and select your favorites.

If you need a head start Dime has you covered. We recommend the following hook up to crate that perfect head to toe look: a White LeBron jersey, the Fleece Jordan Hoodie, Jordan CP3.VII, The Glove, New York Knicks Pom Knit, and last but not least, the Stance Salsa Socks.

What do you think?

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