San Antonio Billboard Touts Duncan’s “Loyalty” Over LeBron’s “Royalty”

Clear Channel, the same company who came up with this inventive San Antonio billboard before the 2014 NBA Finals* has put one up showcasing the divergent paths Tim Duncan and LeBron James have taken with their player options this summer.

Duncan, after winning his fifth NBA Title this month, had a player option for next season that will pay him $10.3 million. It’s much lower than his contemporaries as the future hall-of-famer has agreed to pay cuts so the Spurs can add pieces. It’s worked, as their back-to-back runs to the NBA Finals the last two seasons can attest. Duncan opted in for the final year of his contract over the weekend.

LeBron James — as most of the world at large knows now — opted out of his Miami deal yesterday, a full week before the deadline to make such a decision. Whether this is meant to put pressure on the Heat to add pieces, or open him up to the free agency feting that will start next month, he’s now an unrestricted free agent, and Duncan is getting ready to defend his title secure in one last year — at least — with the same franchise he’s led for 17 seasons now. Clear Channel was quick with the quip:


*We also saw a similar billboard before the 2013 NBA Finals

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