Video: I Love Basketball TV Breaks Down Jamaal Miller’s Sick Spinning Fake

When Jamaal Miller broke out a little-seen fake spin move at the Seattle Pro-Am back in August, people couldn’t believe he pulled it off; we’d only ever seen it in an Allen Iverson commercial. But Coach Rocky of I Love Basketball TV is here to show you how to pull it off in a game, just like Miller.

We’d caution high school kids against trying to pull this off in a varsity game, or in most organized games of basketball. We know a few refs who would be really quick to blow their whistle and call a palm ball or a travel if they saw someone try and pull this out in a controlled five-on-five environment. It’s not really fair because you can perform the move without palming the ball. But if you’re playing one-on-one, or a more informal playground game, it’s the perfect antidote to some no-hands defense.

Here’s Miller’s spin slowed down…

And here’s Coach Rocky performing it in slow motion, too (we’ll pretend he didn’t shoot the right-handed layup off the wrong foot).

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