Ekpe Udoh Traded From Milwaukee To St. Olaf

Ekpe Udoh of the Milwaukee Bucks had one mission: meet beloved American actress/hacky commercial spokesperson Betty White. The only problem? He didn’t know how to do it.

It’s a good question, and who could blame him? Betty White is not only awesome in her own right, she’s the last remaining ‘Golden Girl.’ Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan and Estelle Getty are all dead. It’s a reasonable goal, especially if you’ve got enough travel time and fame as an NBA player to make it come together.

As you can see by the photo at top of the post, Udoh made his dream come true with an LA-area visit to the set of ‘Hot In Cleveland.’ It was a long road, though. Here’s a quick look back at Udoh’s quest from Betty White inception to Betty White execution, courtesy of Twitter, and a little help from our friends at Ball Don’t Lie:

After the initial “how do I make this happen” tweet, two months passed with no progress.

On a personal note, I’ve never been a fan of serious, not-ironic use of “LOL,” but God, if you’re gonna type #LAAAAUGHING at your own reference to a Snickers commercial … it is totally okay to use LOL. Also, do not ever type again, ever.

Anyway, Udoh showed up on the Warriors World podcast and clarified his quest, making sure we knew that “swag” was a factor.

Now Ekpe, there’s a rumor going around that you’ve got a little something — a little infatuation — with Betty White. Can you explain the history of that? What’s going on there?

You know, I just want to meet Betty White. As a kid, me and my moms used to just sit on the couch and just watch “Golden Girls.” And, you know, she got all the swag. Why not?

If you like a ‘Golden Girl’ because of her swag, shouldn’t you be trying to find Blanche? Maybe I’m misunderstanding the use of “swag,” but Blanche was 100% swagger. Blanche might be the swaggiest TV character ever. Is there a slideshow of TV’s swaggiest characters somewhere?

The new year came and went, and still no Betty White.

On Wednesday, a man’s dream came true.

Well done, Ekpe Udoh. To celebrate this momentous occasion, here’s the best of Rose Nylund, courtesy of YouTube. Yes, you should watch every second of this. Twice.

So, how do I go about meeting the Pink Power Ranger??