NBA Rumors: Chris Paul and Blake Griffin Battled for Control of the Clippers

It’s pretty clear at this point that entity driving these Clippers/Celtics trade talks hardest is Chris Paul. The Clips are scared to death of losing him and are willing to do whatever it takes to make him happy, hence going back to talks over and over again.

Evidence of CP3’s hold on the team is everywhere, and apparently it’s not always appreciated. Ric Bucher breaks down the tension between Paul and Blake Griffin in a post today.

From Bucher’s account:

The issues between CP3 and Blake Griffin weren’t that they dislike each other, but rather that they were vying for control of the team. It went something like this, according to a source: Paul would be very exact about how the Clippers should play and if there was any divergence, he’d make his unhappiness about it painfully clear. Griffin, in turn, would see the team kowtowing to Paul and question — especially if Paul’s plan de-emphasized Griffin — why the team was capitulating to Paul. All that said, Doc did wonders bridging the gap between Rondo and the Celtics’ Big Three, so if anyone can make this work, it’s him.

Can Doc Rivers get Paul and Blake on the same page?

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